stSTX Basics
stSTX is the tokenised representation of stacked STX, which can be used across Stacks dApps while earning up to 10% APY in auto-compounding STX rewards.
Users deposit STX to mint stSTX, which automatically accrues in value along with the Stacking rewards (stSTX = deposited STX + STX rewards). Then, they can use stSTX across DeFi to earn more yield & points and swap back to STX anytime.
Since its launch in December 2023, stSTX has become a key primitive for the nascent Stacks DeFi ecosystem, accounting for almost half of Stacks TVL and making Stacking DAO the largest DeFi protocol in the ecosystem.
Over 40% of stSTX liquidity has been deposited across DeFi protocols such as Zest, Bitflow, Velar, Hermetica, and Arkadiko, facilitating the bootstrapping of the Stacks DeFi ecosystem.
Key features:
Non Custodial Solution
Auto-Compounding STX Yield: STX rewards are seamlessly reinvested into the smart contracts supporting stSTX. Ideal for those aiming to accumulate STX, viewing it as a high-beta play on BTC.
Seamless Stacking Experience: No waiting 2 weeks to unstack, no 90k STX minimum deposit, no need to run a Stacks node, and get immediate yield
Most integrated asset in Stacks: use stSTX on Zest, Bitflow, Velar, Arkadiko, and Hermetica
stSTX<>stSTXbtc switch: Seamlessly switch between liquid stacking tokens without the need to unstack. One-click swaps will be available directly on Stacking DAO.
Last updated