Withdrawing from stSTX
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Withdrawing STX from stSTX with Bitflow DEX on the Stacking DAO website is instant (just need to wait for the transaction to get confirmed)
Withdrawing STX with Stacking DAO will burn your stSTX and give you a temporary NFT that represents your withdrawal amount.
You can initialize a Stacking DAO withdrawal at any time. The STX will unlock in the next cycle if you initialize the withdrawal more than 1 day (>200 blocks, to be exact) before the PoX cycle ends. If you initialize the withdrawal on the last day of a PoX cycle, you will have to wait for another cycle.
Remember that conversion rates between the Stacking DAO and Bitflow DEX options might not be the same.
To withdraw your STX and burn your stSTX:
Navigate to the Stacking section and find the stSTX card under "Active Positions"
Click the "Unstack stSTX" button on the stSTX card to request a withdrawal from the protocol
This will bring you to the "Unstack" section, which presents users with the option to withdraw STX through Stacking DAO or Bitflow.
1)Sell on DEX: This withdrawal process via Bitflow DEX is instant and just requires the transaction to get confirmed.
Keep in mind that the stSTX-to-STX conversion rate with this option will likely be lower than with the Stacking DAO option due to the additional fees associated with DEX.
In order to unstack, simply select the "Sell on DEX" option, choose the amount to withdraw, and click the "Unstack" button in the UI:
2)Unstack with Stacking DAO:
In order to unstack, simply select the "Unstack on Stacking DAO" option, choose the amount to withdraw, and click the "Unstack" button in the UI:
Unstacking the stSTX with Stacking DAO will not immediately give you the STX back, since you will have to wait until the end of the PoX cycle.
Instead, you will receive a withdrawal NFT that allows you to claim the amount of STX tokens displayed in the UI. IMPORTANT: do not transfer, burn or sell this NFT or you won't be able to claim your STX tokens.
Once the PoX cycle ends, the NFT will appear in your Active Positions on the main page (when your wallet is connected):
When the Bitcoin block height is reached, you will be able to withdraw your STX. If you never claim the STX using your NFT, the NFT will simply be valid and you can claim the STX at any time when the withdrawal opens. It does not expire.
For those accumulating points: the NFT will not count towards any points. As soon as you initialise a withdrawal and the stSTX leaves your wallet, you will not earn points any longer for the amount of stSTX you are withdrawing.